The Awakened Life Podcast
**We are all pure divine spirit. We are all meant for great things, and we are all capable of living free of worry and realising our true potential.**
Ben Hawkes and Michael Dowling-Fleet are spiritual warriors and un-deconstructed men of Generation X. They met in 2015 while their human avatars were drinking their way round the Dark Heart of the Evil Empire AKA the City of London in search of fame and riches.
Now that they have awoken to their true selves they spend their time coaching (Awakened Life Coaching), writing books (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Great Awakening - available on Amazon), interviewing interesting people working on the edge of consciousness (this podcast) and re-inventing high performance coaching in the sports industry (TrueMind).
The Awakened Life Podcast is about spending time with other warriors for the truth who are in it for the species.
WARNING - we use bad language and simply don't give a f**k.
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The Awakened Life Podcast
Trevor Wie - Intuitive Sensing (From The Ley Love Down Project)
These messages make me smile a great deal. Thank you.
For this episode I'm sharing something a little different. I'm sharing a recent Masterclass from The Ley Love Down Project (which I founded with Rachel Vaughan who I interviewed in December).
Ley Love Down is focussed on getting people out onto the Ley Lines around the world to work to help on the great awakening. It is a deeply interesting project which you can find out more about at www.leylovedown.com.
Trevor Wie lives in the Northern Territories in Australia and arrived in the undercarriage of a US Air Force Transport in 1946. He was taken in by a first peoples family and was taught their ways, including about "Song Lines" or Ley Lines.
In this masterclass Trevor gave generously of his time to talk us through how to put loving intent into the leys and lots on how he views reality and consciousness.
Join the Ley Love Down Telegram Group at https://t.me/leylovedown.
For more information about Trevor Wie go to:
Website: https://www.naturallaw-swu.com
Telegram: https://t.me/TrevorWie
Watch the full Masterclass:
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y31nRmPJu0k&t=16s
Rumble - https://rumble.com/v56cnti-ley-love-down-intuitive-sensing-ley-lines-masterclass-with-trevor-wie.html
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