The Wake Up

Charles Malet - From fighting for the Queen, to fighting for the truth.

Ben Hawkes

These messages make me smile a great deal. Thank you.

In the latest episode of The Wake Up we speak to Charles Malet, a deeply interesting man who served as an officer in the Coldstream Guards, during which time he worked for the Queen directly, and then spent time as a Police Officer in the Gloucestershire Constabulary, which he resigned from in disgust (see his website for his scathing resignation letter).

He now lives a self-sufficient and happy life in rural England working on his small holding, not watching television and working as a writer and presenter for the peerless UK Column.

Our wide ranging discussion looks at the situation in Gaza, the command structure of Antifa, 9/11, the joy of decentralisation, and the rank failure of policing in the UK.

You can find Charles on UK Column ( and his own website at (which I can't link hear due to its non-standard but very clever URL).

You can also join his Telegram Channel here -

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